INRI CRISTO’s fascinating journey until the birth of SOUST; the period of transition in Curitiba and the transfer to Brasília.
This book is a documentary with many vivid, shocking illustrations, whichportray since INRI CRISTO’s childhood, his life as a prophet, the fast in 1979 and the revelation of his identity, the wandering through many countries until arriving at Belém do Pará, where the birth of SOUST happened on February 28th 1982.
“Peter, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against her” (Matthew c.16 v.18). And because they gave Ceasar what is GOD’s, allowing the gates of hell to prevail upon the church of Christ (Inquisition, idolatry, abuse of power, pedophilia, debauchery, political plots, etc.), that could no longer be his church. Christ promised to return. He returned to set the house in order and establish on Earth the Kingdom of GOD. INRI CRISTO broke the bond with that which once was his daughter, his church, born from his words to Peter, and established the New Mystical Universal Order, SOUST, the formalization of GOD’s Kingdom on Earth, in the formation of one flock and one shepherd: “And there will be one flock and one shepherd” (John c.10 v.16).
This book awakens the consciousness; explodes the blindfolds and the dogmatic reasoning padlocks.
This book was translated by volunteers and is available in eletronic version for download.
EXPLOSIVE-AWAKENER-Vol.1.pdf (1539 downloads )
This great book is a beautiful read, so many details, full of mysteries. This read exposes the tribulations and joy that the Son of Man has endured since his birth, an epic saga greater than any fiction! Feed your spirit with this book. Peace.