Vaccine Anticancer


“Only the ALMIGHTY GOD, my FATHER, who is the LORD of Life, can give and effectively gives freely the only infallible antidote”.

What leads a human being to succumb at the mercy of malignant cancer? Which reason leads to the amazing increase of cancer victims in the last decades? How to obtain the only, real and ineffable vaccine against this terrible illness? The vaccine anticancer works effectively only to the human beings who attentively read this message aiming to assimilate the whole content of this revelation.

Instead of suffering hours and hours in chemotherapy sessions and take countless medicines in the attempt to heal this terrible sickness, subject to end the days slowly agonizing, dying in bed, why not dedicate a few minutes to ingest the heavenly vaccine through reading this message, becoming worthy to obtain the ineffable antidote emanated directly from the ALMIGHTY, the LORD of Life?

This book was translated by volunteers and is available in eletronic version for download.

Vaccine-Anticancer.pdf (1149 downloads )

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