Parable of the Treasure


“Imagine, my children, a rich man whose wealth is so immense that he needs many trunks where to place the gold, diamonds, jewels, precious stones, finally, the uncountable richness gathered along all his life. The more he adds riches to the trunks, the more he keeps his eyes watchful, the more he cares and has love for the trunks, since they store his wealth, resulting from long years of sweat and hard work.

The same way happens to you, my children. For me and at my FATHER’s eyes, each one of you that are my disciples and followers resembles one of the trunks where I store the heavenly riches, which are different from the riches of men.

Such richness of which I speak to you are the teachings that I minister from the part of my FATHER, LORD and GOD, transcribed in the parables and writings stored in book AWAKENER, faithful trustee of the GOD’s kingdom doctrine, the experiences of life that I acquired along the years of peregrination upon Earth and that now tell you, thus providing you also have knowledge and security (“But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” – Matthew c.6 v.20 and 21).

The more riches I store in the trunks, that means, the more I convey you the teachings, the luminous wisdom emanated from the ALMIGHTY, and you are faithful keepers of my FATHER’s treasure, the more I love you, the more you will be strong and happy, worthy of the heavenly blessings and to be called GOD’s children. You, my children, that know who I am and have consciousness of my identity, are the greatest good, the greatest richness, the greatest gift that my LORD and GOD has given to me since the fast in Santiago of Chile, when He revealed that I am His First-born and you are my descendants (“FATHER, I desire that those also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory, which you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world” – John c.17 v.24 e 25).

Therefore, when you keep and watch over the heavenly riches, more love you deserve from me and from my FATHER, that sent me again to this world. According to the law of equality – which consists simply on distributing unequally to unequal ones as much as they make themselves unequal – the more you are faithful trustees of the heavenly treasures in the condition of disciples, followers, meritorious members, no matter how is your bond with the GOD’s kingdom formalized as SOUST, the more your eyes will shine, the more your face will register that you are worthy of my love, of my affection, of my care and of the blessing from my FATHER, LORD and GOD, who is in me”.

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