
Some of Inri Cristo’s teachings from book Explosive Awakener.

Parable of Forgiveness

So said INRI CRISTO: “When I was called Jesus, I told Peter he should forgive even seventy times seven (Matthew c.18 v.21 and 22), but I did not tell him to receive into his intimacy...

Parable of the Dwarf

So said INRI CRISTO: “The greatest prodigy ever performed by the darkness spirits was to hide their shape; did they reveal their countless faces, they would be obviously unmasked and identified. Imagine, my children, if the...

Parable of Salvation – Christ is not GOD, but the anointed by GOD

So said INRI CRISTO: “My children, in past centuries humanity has mistakenly been lead to believe that I am the savior, but it is incongruent, it is a dogmatic lure. Neither two thousand years ago...

Parable of the Cage Vehicle

So said INRI CRISTO: “All of you, my children, are spirit. I that speak to you am spirit also and speak to the spirit that you are. The body you receive from the Heavenly FATHER,...