The Third Secret of Fatima – Planeta magazine, August 1974


“The prophecies transmitted by ‘Our Lady’ of Fatima to the Portuguese children were three. The third one remains a secret. Why? What reasons stop the Vatican from disclosing the Third Secret of Fatima? From the few that is known, it is concluded that the third secret refers to the fall of Church and the Last Judgment. In March 1967, Paul VI fainted while he worked in his room, in the Vatican. One month later, speaking to the press, Cardinal Fernando Couto, who had just renounced a high position in “Saint Se”, because of his age, mentioned the fact relating it to the so called Third Secret of Fatima. According to what he said, it had been decided that it would not be revealed to the public. Newspapers from all over the world said that Paul VI fainted on becoming aware of the third message’s impact and felt poorly for the rest of the day.

After World War II, when the first two prophesies transmitted by sister Lucy had been confirmed by the facts, many requests came for her to talk about such more thoroughly. Then, only the third message remained, and the secret was no longer in the hands of the clairvoyant, but in the domain of the church for promised, public release, after 1960. It is ‘said’, this final prophecy is terrible in its outcomes, “such a horrible third war will come and leave very few survivors on Earth (…). Tremendous happenings will come upon the entire human population. If ecclesiastic authorities do not radically change, death will be in the bosom of church and the Christians will walk aimlessly, cursing the clergy. The end of “popes” will have come and the last of them will groan under pain in their bodies (…) but they will find no escape. Their throne will fall”. This is the passage that would have caused the shock for Paul VI… when he saw that chaos would come and a new church would rise from the catastrophic ashes, to receive the survivors of the imminent, great hecatomb.

Regarding the third prophesy, written in 1941, Lucia recalls a vision of Jacinth when the three children still herded stock in the fields of Estremadura; after some time in silence, her eyes lost in distant space, Jacinth said she saw the “pope”. “I do not know how it was” – the girl explains – ‘but I saw the “saint father’ in a very big house, kneeling in front of a table, with his hands on his face, crying. Outside the house there were many people; some threw stones at him, others cursed him and spoke ugly words”.

Some days later, the two nieces were walking alone and Jacinth asked Lucia if she should tell others of the vision she had of the “pope”. Lucia quickly answered: “No, do you not see, it is part of the secret, from which the rest would be discovered?” Jacinth promised not to comment to anyone else and really never did. Everybody perceived her sadness after this spoken of apparitions, yet it was only Lucia who asked her about it. “I think of the war that is to come, in which so many people will die, so many houses will be destroyed and so many priests will be killed”. The Third Secret, which contains so much horrific revelation to come upon mankind, relates to what will happen in the last years of this Epoch, the Last Judgment.”

Such visions are considered “Mary’s apparitions” as an imposition of the proscribed roman church, due to the psychological power of domination she still had upon Christians at the time these visions happened. In fact, they are not “Mary’s apparitions”, but true visions containing GOD’s message to advise men for grievously turning their back to His eternal law and running against His will. The presence of Christ to promote Divine Judgment was purposely hidden from the revealed description of the Third Secret of Fatima.

The Vatican is the main cause for concealing the truths relating to INRI CRISTO, and their silence over the last quarter century in particular will be the reason why Christians will revolt against the clergy as this most horrendous scandal breaks to the public.

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