Part 19 – Questions from Maurício Miki Borges, resident in Japan
1) What is your mission on Earth?
INRI CRISTO: “My mission is to propitiate the consolidation of GOD’s Kingdom on Earth, teach GOD’s genuine law, expose the true GOD, the Supreme CREATOR, my FATHER, only...
INRI CRISTO answers to Arkansas State University (USA)
"Truly, very truly I tell you: I that speak to you was the first amoeba, the first creeping reptile which emerged from water seeking the air for survival, the first ape with no tail...
Correio Braziliense asks about the resignation of Benedictus XVI
Released in February 2013
We would like to know how you evaluate the departure of pope Benedictus XVI from his charge. What do you think about the pontiff’s attitude?
INRI CRISTO: "Wise attitude, as he is...
Everyone will know that Israel is the sacred name of our Mother Earth
Questions from Isidro Cadena, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
In the Bible it is said that Christ would bring peace at his second coming. Why hasn't peace been seen on Earth yet?
INRI CRISTO: “Because the price of...
INRI CRISTO’s interview to G1 about the world ending – Dec 2012
See the Portuguese release:
1. Inri, you have asserted that the Earth will pass through transformations. Has it already passed through it before? What was the greatest one? Will December 21st be one of...
INRI CRISTO’s manifesto to the land of the Holy Cross
On August 15th 2012, followed by his disciples, INRI CRISTO personally went to the Brazilian Supreme Tribunal of Justice in order to make a pronouncement about the judgment of the case "mensalao" (a case...
Interview to Caroline Castro – Superinteressante Magazine (Dec / 2011)
Inri Cristo's full interview to the reporter Carol Castro, from Superinteressante Magazine, published in December 2011.
1 – First of all, I would like to know more about INRI’s childhood. Were his parents devoted Catholics...