
Some of Inri Cristo’s teachings from book Explosive Awakener.

THE QUEST – Happiness, Joy, Enjoyment

“But strive first for the kingdom of GOD and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33) So said INRI CRISTO: “Two thousand years ago, I said that the...

Reincarnation, not a doctrine, but the core of the divine law

So said INRI CRISTO: “Reincarnation is an unquestionable reality, because GOD is perfect. Highest amongst all virtues that integrate perfection is righteousness. Since GOD is perfect, He is therefore righteous. Unrighteous, He would not be...

Parable of Salvation – Christ is not GOD, but the anointed by GOD

So said INRI CRISTO: “My children, in past centuries humanity has mistakenly been lead to believe that I am the savior, but it is incongruent, it is a dogmatic lure. Neither two thousand years ago...

INRI CRISTO speaks on abortion

Question from an internaut: Inri Cristo, I am reading the session “Without Censorship” in your website and got positively shocked with the deepness and clarity of the answers. Although I have not read all the...

Parable of Forgiveness

So said INRI CRISTO: “When I was called Jesus, I told Peter he should forgive even seventy times seven (Matthew c.18 v.21 and 22), but I did not tell him to receive into his intimacy...

Inri Cristo announces the future of humanity

So says INRI CRISTO: “By grievous misuse of free will, mankind has built weapons of mass destruction, violated GOD’s sacred laws and forgotten the holy commandments. Through acts and thoughts, they have planted catastrophes and...

Mary, the woman

Mary, Jesus Christ’s mother, demythified, without fantasies, now is shown by INRI CRISTO in her natural condition of woman, only woman, a human, sinner, subject to weaknesses and failures inherent in humans. She is...