Part 9 – Libertarian Act, birth of SOUST, disciples and followers, future of SOUST,...

1) How was the origin of your church, SOUST? INRI CRISTO: “Different from all churches and sects called “christian”, SOUST did not come into being from the meeting of half dozen crooks worried about finding...

Part 10 – Spiritual surgeries, precursor Alziro Zarur, Allan Kardec, Chico Xavier

1) How to identify an evolved spirit? INRI CRISTO: “The measure of spiritual evolution is summarized on the space of time a spirit can remain in a restricted place, living happy and satisfied in his...

Part 11 – Extraterrestrials, UFOs, the Earth and the Universe

1) There is a countless number of suns and planets turning around their suns, the same way that our nine planets turn around the Sun. Aren’t there living beings similar to men inhabiting these...

Part 12 – Apocalypse, worldwide conflicts, World War III, end of times, Fatima’s Third...

1) Is the conflict between Israel and Palestine a response for disobedience to GOD’s commandments? Is there a possibility that someday they come into an agreement? INRI CRISTO: “The conflict is foreseen in the Holy...

Part 13 – Globalization, politics, worldwide crisis, disarmament, electronic radars, plebiscite, future of Brazil

1) Is there a solution for the problems of Brazil and the world? INRI CRISTO: “There is solution: GOD! Bending to the will of the Supreme CREATOR, and living under the empire of divine law....

Part 14 – Ethics, sociology, Capitalism X Socialism, Marxist ideology, freedom, civilization, philosophy, art,...

1) What is your concept regarding ethics? INRI CRISTO: “First of all, those who most talk about ethics and impose false moral precepts are the ones who most violate them, namely the priests traitors of...

Part 15 – Abortion, birth control, sex, drugs, homosexuality, matrimony, education of the children

1) In your opinion, why is Catholic Church so radically against abortion and birth control? INRI CRISTO: “Even if some impious, wicked, hypocrite, rascal men turn out to assert that the sons of rape will...

Part 16 – Medicine and health, organ donation, origin and healing of cancer, trunk...

1) What is your opinion about organ donations? INRI CRISTO: “Nobody can give something not belonging to him. In fact, your physical body isn’t yours; it’s only a vehicle given in franchise by your good...

Part 17 – Daily life, vegetarian nutrition, relationship with the media, INRI CRISTO and...

1) What does your feeding consist on? What do you consider a healthy nutrition? INRI CRISTO: “I am naturalist, I live basically on raw vegetables, specially crude garlic, as it was an order from the...

Part 18 – Questions from Orkut communities

1) If you are Christ, please help us with enlightenment: what is the best direction for this country with no direction called Brazil? (Patrícia) INRI CRISTO: “You came with the right question, the question that...